100% volunteer run
Charity on Wheels is 100% volunteer run. We depend solely on donations to accomplish our goals. Please help us make a difference in your community. Charity on Wheels is unique in that donors are able to see their funds at work first hand. If you would like to schedule a visit to any of our gatherings or outreach ministries please click HERE. If you would just like to learn more about our organization before making a donation please contact Zach Southall by email at: zach@charityonwheels.com or call him direct at (949) 933-0725.
He would love to chat with you over the phone or even better, take you out for coffee!
ways you can donate:
Come to any of our events and give your donation to one of our leaders. Contact Michelle Southall for more details. michelle@charityonwheels.com
You can mail donations to:
Charity on Wheels
4850 E Leeds Ave.
Orange, CA 92867